5 Best Road Trip Safety Tips
Road trips are on the rise for 2021 as leaving the house becomes increasingly more of a reality for many people. Whether you are heading to a cabin in the woods or a condominium on the beach, you need to be prepared for anything that could go wrong along the way. Here are 5 simple tasks you should complete before you travel, in order to protect your family, your vehicle, and your vacation plans.
1) Get Plenty of Sleep Before You TravelThe anticipation of your exciting road trip may keep you awake during the nights leading up to your departure, but a lack of sleep can be dangerous on the road. Be sure to track your sleep cycles and plan to leave only after you have had a full night’s rest. You will want to make your drive as comfortable as possible, but not so cozy that you drift off to dreamland while driving. Take regular breaks along the way to stretch your muscles and combat sleepiness. For extra precaution, check out vehicle camera systems that will alert you when you start to nod off behind the wheel.
2) Take the Car for a Tune-Up
Your road trip is supposed to be a time for fun, rest and relaxation. Having car trouble on the side of a highway far from any mechanic shops or service stations is far from relaxing. Prevent unexpected breakdowns by taking your car for a routine check-up before you depart. You will want a qualified technician to change your oil and filter, check your air filter, measure tire pressure, and make sure your spare tire is in good working order. Additionally, make sure your windshield wipers and fluid are ready for any weather conditions on the road.
3) Pack Emergency Supplies
Even the most prepared find themselves in a jam sometimes. Do the best you can to stock extra supplies for those just-in-case situations. Some essentials for your emergency kit include a first-aid kit, an extra phone charger, jumper cables, blankets, a flashlight and water. Extra food and snacks are a great idea also, especially for those all-day drives when you do not want to stop every few hours to eat. If you are roughing it during your trip and staying at campgrounds along the way, a fire extinguisher may also be a great addition to your emergency tote.
4) Secure Your Pet
If you travel with your pets, make sure to consider their specific needs during the trip. Along with food and water, be sure to have a plan for pet safety during the drive. Fido may love hanging his head out the window, but an unsecured animal in the car is potentially dangerous for you and others on the road. If you do not have room to bring a crate, consider a seatbelt harness or partition designed for pet safety in vehicles. Restraining your pet is for everyone’s safety, not just theirs. In the event of an accident, an unsecured pet can become a deadly projectile.
5) Bring a portable safe
Gone are the days of showing up to a state park and showing up empty-haded. With the proliferation of cell phones, credit cards, and other valuable electronics, even the more remote locations are seeing an increase theft as more and more visitors flock to these pristine campsites. If you are visiting a popular destination, you will want to have a peace of mind when you are out hiking or just relaxing in the sun. Luckily, our ant-theft travel lock box is the perfect solution to keep your valuables protected wherever you happen to be.
Your road trip vacation should be the time of your life. No matter how long you plan to be on the road, following these safety tips and doing plenty of research ahead of your trip will ensure you have an amazing experience to share with your family and friends.